Letters: Duck Double Agent, Kudos from UO graduate and OQ reader
A tale of two mascots, praise for a UO education and Oregon Quarterly's new look
July 15, 2020
5 min read
The spring issue featured “The Secret Life of the Duck”—tales from alumni who have been the famous fowl
Ducking Out . . . as the Beaver
This is a small piece of trivia to add to your story about the history of the Duck mascot (Spring 2020). I was a football coach at both the UO and OSU in the mid ’80s to early ’90s. It is my belief that my wife, Cindy, BS ’69 (physical education), MS ’70 (health education), is most probably the only person to wear both mascot gear. She was Benny the Beaver at the annual Civil War luncheon in Salem in ’96 and the Duck at a football booster party we hosted in Eugene in ’92. I’m sure not to be done again!
Denny Schuler, BS ’69 (general social science)
Hollister, California
Raves from a Returning Student
I first attended the UO in 1969 amid a lot of turmoil on campus, and it made me who I am, a filmmaker who was once called the “Godmother of Oregon Film” by some casting directors in Portland. In 1972, I completed my junior year, but had to drop out because of health and financial reasons.
I went on to work on several films shot on campus, and even worked in several departments between films, but it wasn’t until 2010 that I returned to try to finish my degree. I had always dreamed of attending film school, and now the UO had one. I got a 4.10 my last term that year, but had to drop out again.
This winter I enrolled again, determined not to let anything stop me from completing my studies, because I wanted to teach film.
During this [pandemic] crisis, I have been absolutely amazed at the level of caring and support for me as a student, from President Michael Schill’s letters all the way through every department with which I have interacted: financial aid, parking, computer help, the bookstore, academic advising, you name it. I am ever so grateful to belong to this community, as well as the broader community of Lane County and Oregon.
Katherine Wilson, English, class of 2021
Blue River, Oregon
Fresh Look Turns Head
FABULOUS! LOVE the “new” style and layout! For the first time ever since I started receiving this enjoyable magazine, I literally read it from cover to cover. In this day and age with so much coming at us and so little time to choose what to spend one’s time on, I was afforded an unexpected gift of learning and pleasure by choosing my Oregon Quarterly. So looking forward to the next edition!
Sue Walsh, BS ’67 (sociology)
Foster City, California
CORRECTIONS: The degree of UO Esports Director David Gugliotti, MBA ’19 (sports marketing), was misstated in the spring issue.

Also in the spring issue, the caption for this image was incorrect. The correct caption is: LINDA THARP (left), BA ’70 (psychology), MEd ’72 (curriculum and instruction), PAUL MEHNERT, MA ’81 (geography), JD ’87, and Melissa Finch visited the Church of Saint Peter and Saint Paul in Osijek, Croatia.
We want to hear from you. Submit your letters at https://oregonquarterly.uoregon.edu, by email to quarterly@uoregon.edu, or by mail to Editor, Oregon Quarterly, 5228 University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403-5228. Published letters may be edited for brevity, clarity, and style.