Memories of tough courses and accomplished alumna
Reflections on learning economics, the late Mary Moody, and excellence at the UO
Photo by Photo by Chris Larsen • January 21, 2020
3 min read
Economics professor Whitelaw—master of the multiple-choice quiz—was profiled in the Autumn issue
Multiple Sides to Ed Whitelaw
Glad to see Ed “Economics Boot Camp” Whitelaw is still fighting the good fight (Autumn 2019). I took his macro- and microeconomics classes in 1987 and 1988; toughest B-/C+ I ever was proud to get, and I had to work like a dog to do even that well.
His weekly quizzes were multiple choice—great, I initially thought, I can ace those. Not so fast: Ed Whitelaw’s multiple choice tests consisted of choices A through J, or sometimes K, L, and even M. At the time I thought Professor Whitelaw was just pure evil, but in later years I appreciated the structure of these quizzes and tests that actually mandated that you learn the material—no faking it in Ed’s classes.
Steven Angvick, BA ’89 (management)
Burlington, Illinois
Remembering Mary Moody
Of our many accomplished alumni, there is one whom I personally hold in particular regard. I had the pleasure of meeting this young woman over meals taken in Carson Hall in 1978. The students, being almost entirely graduate students in some field of education, tended to sit in groups of 10 to 12 for breakfast and dinner and commune about everything from their children to their studies. It became evident early on, though the group was a collection of bright and ambitious students, that Mary Moody was a standout amongst standouts.
Mary was studying for her MA in special education by taking extremely heavy loads and she graduated after four summer schools (1976–79). Incredible! She was married to a very bright man by the name of Brian Moody. They were married for 43 years until Mary passed away May 1, 2014.
Mary was very productive in her professional life. She wrote books, ran a company, and was a consultant to many school districts and businesses.
She and husband Brian owned a ranch in Onoway, Alberta, Canada, about 40 miles west of Edmonton. They had horses, cattle, and several dogs. She loved to ride horseback. She also produced much stained glass. Mary and Brian loved to backpack, hike, and camp. Mary would accompany Brian on fishing trips to remote areas. The following is an excerpt from Mary’s obituary:
Mary will be with us when we see the first crocus in spring, when we are inspired by a beautiful wash of flowers. She will be there as the light filters through the leaves on the trees and when we admire a piece of artwork. We will remember her engaging giggle, her cutting wit, and her deadpan look. If we are measured by our friendships, Mary had an amazing life. She was a true educator who excelled at teaching those who struggled with learning . . . Her love of animals was endless; her kindness and caring were experienced by all who knew her. She loved to learn, to plan, and to create . . . We are all better people for having known Mary.
Howard Hoffer, ’77, College of Education (principal certification)
Bandon, Oregon
Exceptional and Engaged
As a former dean of the School of Architecture and Allied Arts (1971–1981), I am consistently very pleased about the excellent development of the University of Oregon as an exceptional college, above many other universities. Of course, the students are engaged in the world!
Robert S. Harris
Los Angeles, California
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