Politics & Society Articles

Winter 2021

Historian Examines Native American Genocide and its Survivors

Jeffrey Ostler’s "Surviving Genocide" surveys three centuries of violence on the American frontier

Autumn 2020

The Economics of Equality

Persecuted in Algeria, Nina Kerkebane is devoted to helping marginalized groups

Autumn 2020

Black Life on Campus, a History Unchanged

McNair Scholar examines 50 years of Black protest at UO

Autumn 2020

Untold Stories

Interviews with wives and children of Bracero farm workers reveal the impact of the program on Mexican families

Autumn 2020

Fighting for the Favela

Finding inspiration—and a calling—in a struggling Brazilian neighborhood

Summer 2020

Crisis Control: Andre Le Duc and Fall Reopening Amid COVID-19

Chief resilience officer Andre Le Duc is preparing the UO for safe reopening in the time of COVID-19

Summer 2020

Faculty Profile: Courtney Cox of Indigenous, Race, and Ethnic Studies

An assistant professor of indigenous, race, and ethnic studies shares insight on the intersections of race and sport

Spring 2020

Geographer Peter Walker on the Malheur Occupation

The brave resilience of Harney County residents in opposition to the Malheur occupation could be a model of community building

Winter 2020

Students Study Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, and Kosovo

UO students travel to former Yugoslavia to study a war-scarred region and reconciliation